Well. I’ve started like five blogs today and haven’t finished any of them. Even better news than that is, that I have gotten tons of great ideas for new blog co-authoring which has been super. I have also dispensed relationship advice and pontifications like a madwoman, which has been satisfying for me, but possibly super irritating for everyone else.

I have also lost some subscribers. I can only assume that they got tired of hearing my whiny account of my previous relationships. Oh well. That has been counterbalanced by all the good press I’ve been getting lately! Which has resulted in new readers, which is great. So instead of posting my blog catalog (blogalog) again, I’ll just give my new readers a link to it here.

Blogging under the Pets and Animals category is definitely an easy way to get your blog ranked in the top 10. My blog about the Dog and condoms made it to number one. Which made me fall out of my chair. Which made the Kid laugh and laugh and the Dog to lick my face. Condom breath.

I have realized: I am not a mushy person. I try, really. I try to be mushy and it just comes out wrong. It makes my teeth hurt. Not to say I don’t enjoy it but sometimes all I can do is try to turn the subject or make a joke out of it. Not to say that I don’t have mushy moments, that’s definitely not the case, but sometimes I just can’t summon up the mush. This is with friends (both real and myspace), lovers, parents…about the only one I can comfortably mush with is my son. Because he’s probably even less mushy than me, I think. Does that make me cold hearted? I hope not.

Fantastic Sex is almost completed and should be posted within the hour. Then I have my tattoo appointment and after that some co-blogging to do. I may possibly post one more installment of 100 Miles before bed.

If this isn’t the most random mishmash of blog you’ve ever seen, I’d like to hear about it.