This is one of my favorite posts I did for LFB, a blogging group I was a part of back in my MySpaz blogging days. It’s kind of sweet, kind of mildy-senior-sexy, and even makes me feel fuzzy inside. A little bit.

Anyway, it’s a fictional story about two high-school sweethearts that meet again at their high school reunion. Since I didn’t really have a high school sweetheart, this will never be me…but it sure is fun to read about.

Click here to start reading today’s Throwback Thursday post.

Since I won’t have a high school sweetheart reunion story, I thought I’d compensate by offering up a way back TBT photo. I couldn’t find any pictures of when I was actually in high school, but I did find this one, which is kinda close. Well, off by about 5 years, but still. And yep, that’s my little sister there next to me. Look at those cheeks!

Happy Throwback Thursday!

lfb: minnie the mouse 

Originally posted: 4/5/07

Minerva was nervous.

She stretched her lips wide, trying to get the lipstick on without smearing it halfway to her ear. Finished, she leaned back and inspected the results. Doable. She supposed. Now she just needed to do something about her hair. At least she still had it, she encouraged herself.

She didn’t know why she’d even entertained the idea, didn’t know why she’d listened when Lizzie brought it up. Who the hell cared anymore what her aging classmates were getting into? Really, Minerva (never Minnie) had no interest whatsoever in what those old coots were up to.

Well, almost none.

Continue reading today’s Throwback Thursday post…