This coming Friday marks the start of a new series for yours truly, wherein I find something in my newly established Twitter feed (go me!), my well established Facebook feed, or even my tried-and-true google searches, and comment on it.

Because if there’s anything I know how to do, it’s to spout random opinions on stuff.

I haven’t decided on a name yet (submissions welcome), so in the meantime we’ll call it Totally Got It From Facebook. I will post on Fridays, and it will be TGIF. See what I did there?

I haven’t quite settled on the name yet, though. Now that I have escalated my social media presence into the lofty planes of Twitter, I feel like I can no longer limit myself to what I find on Facebook. It’s a pickle, and once again I find myself stuck for something catchy. No doubt something will occur to me two seconds before I fall asleep and I will have completely forgotten it in the morning.

Who knows? Maybe it’s already happened and I just don’t remember it.

I’m so excited about this that I already have this Friday’s source post identified and I’m working on my commentary as we speak. I’m not expecting it to like, break social boundaries or bring about world peace, but it might be slightly entertaining.

Now to just create a logo graphic…ugh.