Apparently, I can buy a pill called “Good Days” that is advertised to be a “positive attitude” pill.

Really. I just heard it on the radio.

Whilst sipping my peach-vodka-and-cran tasty alcoholic snack and reading blogs. Seems to me that tasty alcoholic snacks and blogging are a sufficiently positive-mood-generator all on their own.

Here’s the best part of the above scenario:

My beloved City Lights, neighborhood pool hall, has wireless internet.

Let that percolate for just a minute.

I can camp out at the bar, make conversation with the fabulously handsome and devastatingly clever bartender (aka the Drinkslinger) (bless him) and other regular bar patrons, get drunked, and BLOG! How frickin’ cool am *I* right now?

Pretty fuckin’ rad, let me tell you.

Okay, check it out. One of the LFB bloggers has left us. Seriously. Read about it here.

Why care? Because they’re holding open auditions to fill the spot. Woot! All you have to do is visit the link I just thoughtfully provided for you, read about the topic, do a blog, then go back to the handy link I provided for you, and leave a comment with a link to the blog you wrote.

Post your blog on Thursday 7/13/06, PST.

Add a link to LFB.

The LFB Blogging Coalition will have a look at your blog, and either tell you that you suck or ask you to take part in the LFB experience.

Seriously, though, they probably won’t tell you that you suck.

They might give you a politely worded rejection.

Either way you should have a good time.

At any rate, I have not posted my last Pirate laden LFB blog from last week yet, like I promised. I also have a few more blogs kicking around in my back brain. Blogging is a little easier but still uncomfortable, I have found. Although the discomfort is becoming strangely distant the more of this vodka-and-cran that I drink. So there’s that.

Okay I’ve rambled enough. Look forward to tomorrow’s LFB blog and have a super night if I don’t blog before then.

I have just downed a percocet and I am ready to read some blogs and go to sleep. (Note: the first half of this blog, about drinking a vodka & cran, was written several hours ago. I am NOT combining my vices.)
