it rains, it pours, it tacos (except when it’s HMS Boat)
Somehow it never fails that we fail at something on our camping trips.
This time it’s not really our fault, it’s more the weather. Which, although I like to think I can control a great many things in my life, weather is not one of them.
The entire week before we got here: 80s.
The entire week after we leave: 80s and 90s.
The TWO STINKING DAYS WE ARE HERE: 60s and raining. Oh, and thunder storming.
Because why not? It’s a Whitford camping trip.
The zipper on our tent door completely broke, totally unfixable, so we ended up leaving it in the dumpster at our camp site. Which leaves me with all kinds of uncomfortable feels, because I don’t like to throw things away, but I have consoled myself that there was nothing I could do to fix it.
In other news, HMS Boat (I have been overruled) worked like a champ! We attached a motor and battery, and with the deck we were able to putt around the lake without getting overturned by other boats’ wakes, AND without being turned into HMS Taco with all the weight in the middle of the boat.
I took more video than pictures, so I better get moving to put the videos together into something watchable.
In any event, we’re back home and getting ready to celebrate BandGeek’s birthday. I went to sleep at 8:30 last night after showering. Which means that aside from having fabulous hair this morning, I woke up at 6 am and I’m still waiting for the rest of the house to begin stirring. It should be a great day!
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