So. I mentioned in a couple other posts that I’ve been working on something new, which has been taking up literally all my time.

And it has.

And now I’m ready to show it to you!


Coffee, Grit, and Inspiration is a site I’ve been thinking about for a while, and finally put it into action! As you may recall, I had a goal for August to set up my business website, and, well…this is it.

This blog isn’t going away! I’ve been sweating over this thing for going on 14 years now, there’s no way I’m giving this up. I’m just hoping to have a different kind of outlet for some of the other, less personal, things I feel compelled to write about.

My goal for CGInspo is to create a community of people that want to both be inspired and inspire others. I hope to share things I’ve learned in my life about personal development and growth, and inspire myself along the way as well.

I won’t lie, there’s a monetary aspect too. My thought is, if I can make money doing what I absolutely love – writing and inspiring others – then its a win-win situation: my readers get value, hopefully get a little inspiration, and it becomes a place where people can go to find tips and ideas on growing themselves. At the same time, I can start saving a little extra money for some of the stuff we’re trying to do, like build a house and get a savings going.

I am giving myself a year. I’m not expecting to be able to retire and completely replace my existing income, but I’m hoping it becomes a nice little “side hustle” I guess is the term now. If I can’t get it going within a year, I will move on to something else. But honestly, I think I’m on to something, and I’m so, so, so excited. I’ve got a few posts up there on goal setting, creating a mission statement, how to bounce back from failure, and I’m working on more. Sometimes over the last couple of weeks I haven’t been able to sleep due to all the ideas running through my head.

Mostly what I will be putting there are things like:

  • Ways I’m trying to become a better human
  • Goal setting
  • Growing your grit (and what it is)
  • Leadership
  • Cultivating interests and hobbies
  • Giving yourself love
  • and, of course, my ever and enduring love for Starbucks.

So maybe, if you feel like it, head on over and check it out! Or even subscribe! I promise that at least something you find there will be useful.

Hope to see you there!