It is ALREADY week sixteen!

Pounds lost: 32.3

% to super goal: 26%


You guys,

This last week has been HARD. I have been working on a couple side projects which have totally sucked up ALL MY TIME and which I will post about later, because, as hopefully we all know by now, this is NOT A HEALTHY LIVING BLOG but for some reason that’s all I’ve been posting lately.

I am super excited about my projects BUT it has basically kept me on my ass this whole week.

While one might look and see that I made progress this week, I’m still pretty disappointed, because:

  • Earlier this week I was literally within a pound and a half of my 8/15 goal of 36 lbs
  • Then Saturday happened and I had a steak and potatoes, which meant this morning I was back up THREE POUNDS from earlier this week., I’m serious.
  • Now I don’t think I’m going to make my 8/15 goal.

We suspected this might happen though, right? It was going to be a close one. So unless my indulgence on Saturday is gone by tomorrow, we may not see a “goal achieved” post next Sunday.

It’s okay though! These are stretch goals and I’m comfortable moving them out slightly, if I continue to make progress.

Which is what I have to report this week!


I went to a NORMAL store and bought a pair of shorts in a size smaller than I had previously. Like a NORMAL store, not a plus size store. Granted, I shopped in the women’s section, but at my age I have no business shopping in the junior’s section anyway.

It kind of seems like, maybe these shorts just run a little small because I feel like after having lost over 30 lbs I should be down more than just one size, right? And while I fit in them, they are a little tight. It seems like I should be down more than just one size.

I have strictly forbidden myself to buy new pants till now, though, so I just don’t know. More experimentation is needed.