Welcome to My First Goal Report!

I feel like a kid with extra large legos.

As mentioned at the beginning of August, I’m starting a new series where at the beginning of every month I will post my progress against my previous month’s goals and the goals for the upcoming month.

Being that I started this in August, this is the first complete goal report showing progress for August and what’s up for September.

August Goals

Meet my step goal (6,000 steps/day) at minimum 15 times in the month.FAILMet it 7 times! 🙁
Set up business blogPASSSuccess!
Set up Etsy shopFAILI set it up, but didn’t stock it.
Meet 36 lb goal by 8/15FAILI met it, but not until 8/25.
Cook dinner at least 5 times in the monthPASSScraped by!
Have $50 extra in savings by the end of the monthPASSSuccess!

August Takeaways

  • I need to create more opportunities to get more movement in my life! Being a work-from-homer, I need to focus on this more than if I regularly went to an office. I slacked off a lot of the month and only met my step goal seven times! I think I’ll go for 10 times for September – maybe I was being too ambitious.
  • Cooking dinner is something I love but I am not planning ahead enough. I did manage to cook dinner (versus having something delivered, eating out, or reheating something in the microwave) five times this month, but it was a close one.
  • I would much rather spend money than save it. To help in increasing my savings, I set aside a specific bank account with a starting balance of $0. So I will start tracking the end of month balance in that account to determine if I’m meeting my savings goals. This month I had an ending balance of $71. I made a large deposit ($30) in the middle of the month to get to the goal, so the real success was not pulling that money out for something else!
  • I think I tried to do too much in one month. Doing the new blog took a LOT of time and effort, working on it every evening and all weekend, every weekend! I completely underestimated how much time that would leave me for other things.
  • My weight loss interim goals were too aggressive. To take off a little pressure but still make forward progress, I gave myself 5 more months to meet my super goal and extended the time between milestones. My new goal is 18 lbs every 3 months, with my super goal milestone date now being 11/15/20.

September Goals

Here’s my goals for September! You can see that I’m continuing the theme for increasing my savings, moving more, and eating more healthy. Healthily? Whatever, you get it.

  • Meet my step goal (6,000 steps/day) at minimum 10 times in the month.
  • Cook dinner at least 5 times in the month.
  • Have 5 refined-sugar-free days.
  • Have an ending balance of $150 in savings by the end of the month.
  • Have 5 no-spend days.