I have some amazing writers in my feed.

Like seriously, I read them and I’m intimidated for days. Whether it’s a funny post or one that punches me right in the feels, there are some blogs I read where I wonder what business I have getting behind a keyboard (inasmuch as one actually “gets behind” a keyboard) and putting something of my own self out there.

Does someone else’s greatness make me less great? Or just great in a different way?

What I need to remember – what any of us that feel this way need to remember – is that I’m not really doing this to impress all the awesome writers in my feed (not that any of them are subscribed to me anyway. So it’s not like they’re at immediate risk of hurting their eyeballs with my poor attempts at prose) but because while my story might not be expressed as creatively or artistically or gut-wrenchingly as theirs, it’s still my story.

And there’s no one that can tell my story like me.